NCERT Solutions Class 8th Science Chapter – 8 Cell Structure and Functions Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 8th Science Chapter – 8 Cell Structure and Functions 

Class 8th
Subject Science
Chapter Name Cell Structure and Functions
CategoryClass 8th Science
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 8th Science Chapter – 8 Cell Structure and Functions

?Chapter – 8?

✍Cell Structure and Functions✍


• All organisms are the combination of different parts, i.e., called organs.

• Roots, stems, leaves and flowers are the organs of plants.

• Hands, feet, legs, heart, kidney etc. are the organs of animals.

• All organs are made up of tissues which in turn are made up of cells.

• Though organisms differ in shape and size, these are all made up of a basic unit called cells.

• Cells present in living organism, differ in numbers, shape and size.

• Bacteria (PPLO) has the smallest cell size of 0.1 microns. Ostrich egg has the largest cell size of 170 mm.

• The shape of cells varies from spherical, cuboidal, columnar to long and branched types.

• Some cells have an irregular shape, i.e., Amoeboid shape, in case of amoeba.

• There are unicellular organisms (bacteria) as well as multicellular organisms (plants and animals).

• Each cell has smaller components, called organelles. Some of these are common to different cell types. Each organelle has its own specific function.

• The single cell of unicellular organisms performs all the basic functions, i.e., performed by a variety of cells in multicellular organisms.

The cell has three main parts

  • the cell membrane
  • cytoplasm which contains smaller components called organelles, and
  • the nucleus.

• Nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a nuclear membrane.

• Nucleus acts as a control centre for all the activities of the cell.

• Nucleus contains some smaller spherical body, i.e., nucleolus and threadlike structure, i.e., chromosomes.

• The chromosomes carry genes that help in inheritance or transfer of characters from parents to the offspring.

Nucleoplasm is the liquid material of the nucleus.

• Cells without a well-organised nucleus, i.e., lacking a nuclear membrane, Eire called prokaryotic cells.

• Plant cells differ from animal cells in having an additional layer around the cell membrane termed as the cell wall.

• Coloured organelle, i.e., called plastids, are found in the plant cells only. Green plastids containing chlorophyll are called chloroplasts.

• Plant cell has a big central vacuole unlike a number of small vacuoles in animal cells.

• Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.

Cell Membrane – Cell membrane is a membrane around the cell. It is also called the plasma membrane.

• Cell wall is a hard and rigid covering of plasma membrane and found in plant cells only.

• Chloroplasts are the green coloured plastids having chlorophyll, a winch is essential for photosynthesis.

• Chromosomes are a thread like structures found in the nucleus. It carries genes.

• Protoplasm is the viscous fluid inside the cell which provides living nature to it.

Eukaryotes – The organisms having eukaryotic cells, i.e., contains a well developed nucleus are called eukaryotes.
Gene – Genes are located on chromosomes. Gene is a unit of inheritance in living organisms.

• Multicellular is the category of the organism like plants and animals, containing large number of cells.

Nuclear membrane – Nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane.

• Nucleolus is a smaller, spherical and dense body inside the nucleus.

• Nucleus is the denser region of the cell and may be present at the centre of the cell.

Organ – an Organ is a group of tissues, specialized to perform specific functions.

• Organelle is one of the smaller components of a cell.

• Plasma membrane is a membrane around the cell, also called cell membrane.

• Plastids are the coloured organelles, that are found in plant cells only.

Prokaryotes – The organisms with prokaryotic cells, lack true nucleus; they are called prokaryotes e.g., bacteria and blue green algae.

• Pseudopodia are the projections protruding out of the body of amoeba. These appear and disappear as amoeba moves.

Tissue – A tissue is a group of similar cells performing a specific function.

• Unicellular is the category or organism like bacteria containing only a single cell.

Vacuoles – Are the empty or blank looking structures in the cytoplasm.
White blood cells (WBC) – It is one of the components of blood cells. It is an example of a single cell which can change its shape.

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