NCERT Solutions Class 7th Math Chapter 10 Algebraic Expressions Examples

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Math Chapter 10 Algebraic Expressions

Class 7th
Subject Math
Chapter NameAlgebraic Expressions
CategoryClass 7th Math Solutions 
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Math Chapter 10 Algebraic Expressions

Chapter – 10

Algebraic Expressions


Example. 1 Identify, in the following expressions, terms which are
not constants. Give their numerical coefficients:
xy+4, 13-y’, 13-y+5y’, 4p’q-3pq+5Solution-

S. No.ExpressionTerm (which is not
a Constant)
(i)xy+4xy 1
(ii)13-y2– y2-1
(iii)13-y+5y²– y 5y2-1 5
(iv)4p2q-3pq²+54p2q -3pq²4 -3
Example.2 (a) What are the coefficients of x in the following expressions?
4x-3y, 8-x+y, yx-y, 2z-5xz(b) What are the coefficients of y in the following expressions?
4x-3y, 8+ yz, yz²+5, my +mSolution-
(a) In each expression we look for a term with x as a factor. The remaining part of that
term is the coefficient of x.

S. No.ExpressionTerm with Factor xCoefficient of x
(iv)2z -5xz– 5xz – 5z

(b) The method is similar to that in (a) above.

S. No.ExpressionTerm with FactorxCoefficient of y
(ii)8+ yzyzz
(iv)my + mmym
Example. 3 State with reasons, which of the following pairs of terms are of like
terms and which are of unlike terms:
(i) 7x, 12y
(ii) 15x, -21x
(iii) -4ab, 7ba
(iv) 3xy, 3x
(v) 6xy2, 9xy
(vi) pq, -4pq
(vii) mn², 10mnSolution-

S. NoPairFactorsAlgebraic factors same or differentLike/ Unlike termsRemarks
(i)7x 12y7, x 12, y}DifferentUnlikeThe variables in the terms are different.
(ii)15.x -21x15, x -21, x ]SameLike
(iii)-4ab 7 ba-4, a, b 7, a, b}SameLikeRemember
ab = ba
(iv)3xy 3x3, х, у 3, x}DifferentUnlikeThe variable y is only in one term.
(v)6xy2 9x2y6, x, y, y 9, x, x, yDifferentUnlikeThe variables in the two terms match, but their
powers do not match.
(vi)pq2-4pq21, p. q. q -4p, q, q}SameLikeNote, numerical
factor 1 is not shown

Following simple steps will help you to decide whether the given terms are like
or unlike terms:

(i) Ignore the numerical coefficients. Concentrate on the algebraic part of t

(ii) Check the variables in the terms. They must be the same.

(iii) Next, check the powers of each variable in the terms. They must be the same.

Note that in deciding like terms, two things do not matter (1) the numerical
coefficients of the terms and (2) the order in which the variables are multiplied in the

Example. 4 Find the values of the following expressions for x=2.
(i) x + 4
(ii) 4x-3
(iii) 19-5×2
(iv) 100-10x³Solution- Putting .x=2(i) Inx +4, we get the value of x + 4, i.e.,
x+4=2+4= 6(ii) In 4x-3, we get
4x-3=(4×2)-3=8-3=5(iii) In 19-5x2, we get
19–5r=19 – (5 x 22) = 19 – (5 x 4) = 19 – 20 =-1(iv) In 100-10x³, we get
100-10x³ 100-(10×23) = 100-(10 x 8) (Note 23 = 8)
= 100-80 = 20

Example. 5 Find the value of the following expressions when n = -2.
(i) 5n-2 (ii) 5n²+5n-2 (iii) n³+5n²+5n-2


(i) Putting the value of n=-2, in 5n-2, we get,

(ii) In 5n²+5n-2, we have,
for n=-2, 5n-2=-12

and 5n2=5x (-2)²=5×4=20
[as (-2)²=4]

(iii) Now, for n = -2,
5n²+5n-28 and
n³ +5n²+5n-2=-8+8=0

We shall now consider expressions of two variables, for example, x+y, xy. To work
out the numerical value of an expression of two variables, we need to give the values of
both variables. For example, the value of (x + y), for x=3 and y = 5, is 3+5=8.

Example. 6 Find the value of the following expressions for a = 3, b=2.
(i) a+b
(ii) 7a-4b
(iii) a²+2ab+b²
(iv) a³-b3Solution- Substituting a = 3 and b=2 in
(i) a + b, we get
a+b=3+2=5(ii) 7a-4b, we get
7a-4b=7×3-4×2=21-8=13.(iii) a²+2ab+b², we get
a²+2ab+b² = 3²+2×3×2+2²=9+ 2 x 6 + 4 = 9+12+4=25(iv) a-b’, we get