Class 8th Science Chapter – 12 Some Natural Phenomena MCQ With Answer

Class 8th Science Chapter – 12 Some Natural Phenomena

Chapter NameSome Natural Phenomena
CategoryClass 8th Science
SourceLast Doubt
Class 8th Science Chapter – 12 Some Natural Phenomena MCQ With Answer What are three phenomena?, What are the two types of natural phenomena?, Is Rainbow a natural phenomenon?, Is wind a natural phenomenon?, What are the natural phenomena in India?, Is Sunset a natural phenomenon?, What is phenomena first?, Is rain a natural phenomenon?, What is a good phenomenon?, Is River a natural phenomenon?, Is climate a natural phenomenon?, Why are phenomena natural?, What is phenomenon called?, What is life phenomena?, What is a phenomenon example?, Is a flood a natural phenomenon?

Class 8th Science Chapter – 12 Some Natural Phenomena

Chapter – 12

Some Natural Phenomena


(1) How many types of charges are gained by rubbing objects ?

A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4

Answer – (A) 2
(2) Which is not a natural phenomena ?

A. Earthquakes
B. Cyclones
C. Lightning
D. Earthing

Answer – (d) Earthing
(3) Which instrument is used to measure earthquake ?

A. Richter scale
B. Seismograph
C. Polygraph
D. None of these

Answer – (B) Seismograph
(4) The power of an earthquake is expressed on a scale called ?

A. seismic scale
B. iron scale
C. richter scale
D. large scale

Answer – (C) richter scale
(5) The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is called ?

A. earthing
B. lightning
C. oscillation motion
D. electron movement

Answer – (A) earthing
(6) Amber is a ?

A. metal
B. rubber
C. resin
D. sugar

Answer – (C) resin
(7) The waves produced on the earth’s surface is called ?

A. seismic wave
B. longitudinal wave
C. Micro wave
D. Radio wave

Answer – (A) seismic wave
(8) Tsunami means ?

A. earthquake
B. floods
C. earthquake under the sea
D. eruption of volcano in a sea

Answer – (C) earthquake under the sea
(9) Lightning always follows ?

A. a thunder
B. rain pour
C. the easiest path
D. a straight path

Answer – (A) a thunder
(10) Where is the lightning rod attached to protect the building from lightning ?

A. On the top of the building
B. On the bottom of the building
C. In the middle of the building
D. All of these

Answer – (A) On the top of the building
(11) When two bodies are rubbed against each other, they acquire ?

A. equal and like charges
B. equal and unlike charges
C. unequal and like charges
D. unequal and unlike charges

Answer – (B) equal and unlike charges
(12) Which of the following can be charged by rubbing ?

A. Ebonite
B. Plastic
C. Amber
D. All of these

Answer – (D) All of these
(13) Which of the following occurs during lightning ?

A. Acid rain
B. Nitrogen fixation
C. Green house effect
D. Earthing

Answer – (B) Nitrogen fixation
(14) Which of the following can be charged with static electricity ?

A. Metal
B. Alloy
C. Insulator
D. Semiconductor

Answer – (C) Insulator
(15) Which is the surest test of charge on a body ?

A. Repulsion
B. Lightning
C. Combustion
D. Insulation

Answer – (A) Repulsion
(16) To protect tall buildings from the damage of lightning, what can be done ?

A. Not to build tall buildings
B. Install lightning conductors
C. Install many TV antennas
D. Have a roof top garden with tall trees

Answer – (B) Install lightning conductors
(17) During a thunderstorm which action may be done ?

A. Using Telephone having cord
B. Switching on / off electric lights
C. Using a mobile phone
D. None of the above

Answer – (C) Using a mobile phone
(18) During lightning actually _ takes place ?

A. Electric discharge
B. Electric charging
C. Electric charge accumulation
D. All of the above

Answer – (A) Electric discharge
(19) A device used to test whether an object is carrying charge or not is called __ ?

A. Electrometer
B. Charge meter
C. Electroscope
D. Chargoscope

Answer – (C) Electroscope
(20) It is a convention to call the charge acquired by a glass rod when it is rubbed with silk as __

A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Neutral
D. Can be any one

Answer – (B) Positive

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